News and Gossip


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Here's the scoop...


In this column I'll include any breaking news, such as information on upcoming releases or tours, or big flashy radio interviews.

Here's an example of the format I might use for the entries on this page:

Band's Song To Appear in W.W.E. Sometime Soon.

The amazing debut single by North West U.K. band Bering-straits is to be featured weekly on the W.W.E. wrestling showbiz spectacular which is a weekly worldwide T.V. event, Due to our affiliation with Hardman grappler Rage Andy Baker.



Here I'll include some of the juicier stuff I hear about the band members. No guarantee of the accuracy of what you read in this column! Like for instance one of the band is leaving to go and fight in the New Improved Gulf WarŪ  is pure speculation at the present time (now the war is over the full band line up is once again reporting for duty)

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!